
新的一年到了,歡迎冠彣、柏諭、維軒加入PSE LabSep.1, 2022
新的一年到了,歡迎妤芯、宥緯及秀笙加入PSE Lab.Sep. 07, 2021
新的一年到了,歡迎柏鈞、逸澄、及育慈加入PSE LabSep.01.2020
新的學年到了,歡迎景翔、沿易和承懿加入PSE LabSep.11,2019
新的學年到了,歡迎Ali、晏安、方羿、純妤及星志加入PSE LabSep.22,2018

Process Synthesis and Design

Concerning with the design of optimal structures for water-using networks, heat recovery and utility systems in chemical processes..

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Process Safety Assessment

The main thrust of our effort is to automate several widely-adopted safety assessment procedures.

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Fault Detection and Diagnosis

These issues are critical in enhancing operational safety in chemical plants.

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Batch Operations

It is our objective to develop a systematic approach to automatically generate the optimal schedule of operation steps.

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Supply Chain Management

We have developed a generic mixed-integer linear program (MILP) to synthesize the best multi-period planning strategy for any given petroleum supply chain to satisfy the specified supplies and demands.

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